Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Just Another word to say Hi.


Kay...everything that have meant by 'Hello'. I thought its already been.....hmm 6 months? isn't it?
AAAAW. Miss my bloggie so muchheee :p How are the worlds? How are you bloggie? :p Fine,huh?
hihi. YEAHH. I'm not just wanna post hello. Idk why, today........ I think...I'm in a mellow mood. But, who knows? Things can change. Believe it.

Ah. What a beautiful saturday, when my not as good as the weather. I'm playing White Horse by Taylor Swift. When I'm posting this post. What a beautiful coincidence. Then,  My heart starts shouting all along the lyrics and repeat the lyrics all the time. I moved my head, to the left and right. I followed the rhythm. It makes me comfort. But....still in the same mood. Idk, how. How to make my mood.....back to normal. Any suggestion? :D

I hope. After I post this................"unimportant stuff."
My mood get back into the right track. right path. YEAH. AMEN.

Thank you.

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